Previous Close 238.03
1-Year Change 65.66%
6-Months Change 23.73%
3-Months Change 11.61%
Moving Avg (50d) 224.19
Moving Avg (200d) 198.43
ESG Rating -
Exchange NYSE
Market Cap. 35.0B
Beta (3-Years) 0.89
Revenue Growth (ttm) 20.71%
Net Profit Margin (ttm) 20.72%
Return On Assets (ttm) 13.45%
EPS (ttm) 6.16
PE Ratio (ttm) 38.64
Dividend Yield 0.76%
Chart provided by TradingView
  • TTM: Trailing Twelve Months
  • ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance
  • EPS: Earnings Per Share

Summary of the Company's Financials

The prediction for the asset RMD is not available at the time requested.
Multiple Charts
Profitability ratios measure a company’s ability to generate income relative to revenue, balance sheet assets, operating costs, and equity. Common profitability financial ratios include the following.
Profitability Ratios
Liquidity ratios are financial ratios that measure a company’s ability to repay both short- and long-term obligations. Common profitability financial ratios include the following.
Liquidity Ratios
Leverage ratios measure the amount of capital that comes from debt. In other words, leverage financial ratios are used to evaluate a company’s debt levels. Common leverage ratios include the following.
Leverage Ratios
Market value ratios are used to evaluate the share price of a company’s stock. Common market value ratios include the following
Market value ratios
Efficiency ratios are used to measure how well a company is utilizing its assets and resources. Common efficiency ratios include
Efficiency ratios
In Millions USD (except per share data; shares in Millions)
In Millions USD (except per share data; shares in Millions)
In Millions USD (except per share data; shares in Millions)
Multiple Charts
  • Data are sourced from company financial statements 10-K,10-Q filed with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • Some variables might not be found in the statements filed by the company. These are simply deduced from other variables when possible. The dot "." in front of some rows means the variable is not directly found in the statement and thus is deduced from other variables.
  • Check ResMed Inc. financial statements for more details following the link below.

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Company Profile

ResMed Inc.

Sector: Health Care
Industry: Health Care Supplies
Country: United States

ResMed Inc. is an American medical equipment company based in San Diego, California. It primarily provides cloud-connectable medical devices for the treatment of sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other respiratory conditions. ResMed produced hundreds of thousands of ventilators and bilevel devices to help treat the respiratory symptoms of patients with COVID-19. ResMed also provides... Wikipedia

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