Previous Close -
1-Year Change -
6-Months Change -
3-Months Change -
Moving Avg (50d) -
Moving Avg (200d) -
ESG Rating -
Exchange NASDAQ
Market Cap. -
Beta (3-Years) -
Revenue Growth (ttm) -
Net Profit Margin (ttm) -
Return On Assets (ttm) -
EPS (ttm) -
PE Ratio (ttm) -
Dividend Yield -
Chart provided by TradingView
  • TTM: Trailing Twelve Months
  • ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance
  • EPS: Earnings Per Share
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Company Profile

Zillow Group, Inc.

Sector: Communication Services
Industry: Interactive Media & Services
Country: United States

Zillow Group, Inc., or simply Zillow, is an American tech real-estate marketplace company that was founded in 2006, and was created by Rich Barton and Lloyd Frink, former Microsoft executives and founders of Microsoft spin-off Expedia; Spencer Rascoff, a co-founder of; David Beitel, Zillow's current chief technology officer; and Kristin Acker, Zillow's current senior vice president of experience... Wikipedia

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